Tuesday, September 24, 2024


URGENT: ISIS cuts water supply to 800,000 Iraqis and crops in Baqubah

Diyali river, Diyali. File photo.
Diyala river, Diyala. File photo.

Diyali (IraqiNews.com) A government source in Diyala Province stated on Friday that ISIS militants have blocked a strategic drinking and agricultural water source located in north east Baqubah, the Mahroot irrigation canal.

The Mahroot irrigation canal provides 800,000 Iraqis with water. The source has urged the government in Baghdad to take a prompt action, noting that in 48 hours, people in Baqubah, al-Maqdaniya and surrounding villages will suffer a water shortage as water levels continue to decline.

The Mahroot irrigation canal runs through most of the cultivated areas in Baquhah, Diyala Province.