Saturday, September 21, 2024


Pentagon reveals cost of war against ISIL in Iraq, Syria

Pentagon reveals cost of war against ISIL in Iraq, Syria

Baghdad ( The U.S. and Arab strikes on militant targets in Syria overnight were ‘only the beginning’ of a ‘credible and sustainable, persistent’ coalition effort to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIS militants and other extremist groups, the American military has said.

The airstrikes – which employed U.S. Tomahawk missiles, B1 bombers, F16, F18 and F22 strike fighters and drones – was backed by support from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan and the UAE – a coalition of nations that has agreed to assist with the destruction of ISIS.

There was also a separate U.S. attack on a different band of Islamist militants in Syria – the mysterious Al Qaeda-affiliated Khorasan Group, who are said to have been planning an ‘imminent attack’ on a Western target.

‘I can tell you that last night’s strikes were only the beginning,’ Rear Admiral John Kirby, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters. He said the strikes had been ‘very successful’ and would continue, without going into further detail on future operational plans.

Another military spokesman, Lieutenant General William Mayville Jr., said that Arab nations – including Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates – took part in the second and third waves of attacks. He said the Arab countries’ actions ranged from combat air patrols to strikes on targets.

Earlier U.S. President Barack Obama said the participation of the five Arab nations ‘makes it clear to the world this is not America’s fight alone.’ /End/