Sunday, September 29, 2024


Australia considers participating in military operations in Iraq

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop
Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop

Canberra ( On Sunday Australian Foreign Minister Ms. Julie Bishop said that Australia is considering participating in the US-led military operations against ISIS.

In an interview on ABC, Ms. Bishop said: “In Iraq we need to have a legal framework,”

“That’s why Defence Minister David Johnston was in Baghdad to meet with the new Iraqi government to assure them that we were expecting them to be an inclusive government, that they had a role to play in ensuring that they were representative of the various factions and tribes and groups within Iraq because, of course, that was one of the problems for the previous government.” she said.

When asked about Syria, she pointed out, that the situation in Syria is different since Australia does not recognize the regime of al-Asad and his government.

Noteworthy, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott agreed to send 600 military personnel to help Iraqi forces. He denied troops would be on the ground though.