Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS raped 170 virgin girls in Anbar, 50 Yazidi girls in Mosul

 ISIS raped 170 virgin girls in Anbar, 50 Yazidi girls in Mosul
The head of Fallujah Council, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Nimrawi. File photo from the Sheikh's Facebook page.
The head of Fallujah Council, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Nimrawi. File photo from the Sheikh’s Facebook page.

Mosul ( The head of Fallujah Council, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Nimrawi, said in a statement today that more than 170 documented rapes were committed by members of the so-called the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) against virgin girls in Anbar province over the past two months.

On the other hand, media relations director for the National Alliance of Nineveh, Sadeq al-Shammari, revealed that the criminal gangs of ISIS raped 50 girls from the Yazidi sect in the city of Mosul over the same period according to reported and documented cases.

Al-Shammari said in a press statement that “the elements ISIS put the raped girls in Al Salam Hospital in Mosul for the purpose of treating and returning them to their families,” adding that “the leaders of ISIS threatened the doctors at the hospital not to leak such information to the media.”

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