Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT Video: ISIS beheads UK aid worker Alan Henning

 URGENT Video: ISIS beheads UK aid worker Alan Henning

is-henningWARNING CONTAINS GRAPHIC VIDEO AND IMAGES ( On Saturday the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) released the video below showing one of its elements beheading the British hostage, Alan Henning, noting that “the execution comes in response to a British air strikes against the positions of the organization in Iraq.”

Henning, 47, had joined an aid convoy and was taken captive on Dec. 26, 2013 shortly after crossing the border between Turkey and Syria.

His wife, Barbara, had pleaded for his release in the past week, calling her husband a “peaceful, selfless man” who wanted to help those in need.

The video, which is just over a minute long and titled “Another Message to America and Its Allies,” mirrors the previous beheading videos of UK aid worker David Haines, American journalist Steven Sotloff and American Journalist James Foley released by the Islamic State.

Henning speaks briefly to the camera as he kneels. “I’m Alan Henning. Because of our parliament’s decision to attack the Islamic state I, as a member of the British public, will now pay the price for that decision,” he says.

British-accented “Jihadi John” then addresses the camera, saying: “The blood of David Haines is on your hands Cameron. Alan Henning will also be slaughtered but his blood is on the hands of the British parliament”.




British Prime Minister David Cameron in a statement said:

“The brutal murder of Alan Henning by ISIL shows just how barbaric and repulsive these terrorists are.

My thoughts and prayers tonight are with Alan’s wife Barbara, their children and all those who loved him.

Alan had gone to Syria to help get aid to people of all faiths in their hour of need. The fact that he was taken hostage when trying to help others and now murdered demonstrates that there are no limits to the depravity of these ISIL terrorists.

We will do all we can to hunt down these murderers and bring them to justice.”

Full Video:
[wpvideo 17FrWKtN]

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