Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS seeks Iran’s nuclear secrets [leaked document]

Iran's Arak heavy water facility.
Iran’s Arak heavy water facility. File photo.

Baghdad ( The Sunday Times reported on Sunday that leaders of ISIS are seeking nuclear weapons, and have set plans for a campaign against both Assad’s regime in Syria and Iran.

The report points out that, the document which was taken during a security raid in March from a senior ISIS leader’s home by Iraqi Special Forces, has suggestions and plans on very critical matters.

The document suggests to offer Russia an access to oil fields it controls in northern Iraq in return for handing over the Iranian nuclear programme’s secrets and giving up on backing Iran with its programme, noting that Russia would also need to not support Asaad’s regime in order for all that to happen.

It is believed that, the document belonged to Abdullah Ahmed al-Meshedani, known as Abu al-Qasim, one of the senior members of the group according to the report.