Saturday, September 21, 2024


Former UK Defense Minister warns of Baghdad’s fall to ISIS, urges cooperation with Sunni tribes

The former British defense minister, Liam Fox
The former British defense minister, Liam Fox
( The former British defense minister Liam Fox warned of the entry of the so-called the Islamic state in Iraq and Syria to the outskirts of the capital Baghdad, calling on the international anti-ISIS coalition to coordinate with Sunni tribes that had been marginalized at the time of the former Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

Fox said, in an article written in the Daily Telegraph newspaper and followed by, that “the Sunni tribes in Iraq are the key to defeating the organization ISIS which controls vast tracts and stationed at the gates of Baghdad”, calling for the need to include these tribes to the international coalition to fight against the militants.”

Fox also called for the Sunni tribes in Iraq to help the international coalition to fight the organization ISIS, adding that” The militants ISIS are ignoring any boundaries drawn between Iraq and Syria, and they do not differentiate between their victims.”