Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: ISIS executes Iraqi soldiers captured northwest of Samarra

J8Salahuddin ( On Tuesday a security source in Salahuddin Province said that the so-called the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)  executed a number of Iraqi soldiers after they had been detained last night in northwest of Samarra.

The source said in an interview for “The elements of ISIS collected a number of shopkeepers and displaced persons in the area of Al Alam at gunpoint. They executed a number of Iraqi soldiers, who were captured during the clashes that took place in the area of the Wall Ochnas north west of Samarra last night, in front of them. ”

The source, who requested anonymity, said that “the organization ISIS addressed the civilians saying that this is the fate of the “opponents”,” noting that they “threatened the tribal fighters of Jabour in Al Alam and Dhuluiya of death if they did not lay down their arms and surrender to the organization.”