Monday, September 30, 2024


Netherlands carries out its first airstrike against ISIS

The Royal Dutch Air Force. F-16 fighter jet.
F-16 Fighter Jet of the Royal Air Force of the Netherlands.

Baghdad ( On Wednesday the Dutch Ministry of Defense announced that the Royal Air Force carried out the first Dutch airstrike against ISIS targets in Iraq yesterday on Tuesday.

Two fighter jets bombed armored vehicles belonging to ISIS in northern Iraq. The attack destroyed the vehicles and likely killed ISIS militants, announce the Dutch MoD today.

The Netherlands has deployed eight F-16 fighter jets to support the US-led coalition in the fight against ISIS as of last Friday and about 380 Dutch soldiers were also sent in to support military operations in Iraq by training Iraqi Forces and Kurdish fighters.

The Netherlands has joined the US-led coalition alongside other countries including, Britain, France, Belgium, Australia, and Arab states to fight the ISIS group that has spread all over large expanses of territories in Iraq and Syria.