Saturday, September 21, 2024


URGENT: Iraqi journalist killed by IED intended for Anbar police chief

Anbar ( The photojournalist Imad Amer Latoufi was killed by an explosive device that was targeting the convoy of Anbar police chief Major General Ahmed Saddak al-Dulaimi, who was driving a military operation against the elements ISIS in the north of the city of Ramadi, according to the statement of Interior Ministry and Anbar province.

According to the Director of the office of Anbar police chief off, “the photographer Latoufi had attended early to be able to accompany Major General al-Dulaimi and documenting the achievements of the Iraqi forces which are battling ISIS, confirming the killing of Latouffi with the police chief, who was seeking to regain control of the an area located in the northwest of Ramadi.”