Friday, September 20, 2024


Prime Minister ready to help kidnapped Yazidis and their families says MP Dakhil

The MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Vian Dakhil
The MP for the Kurdistan Alliance, Vian Dakhil

( On Friday the MP for the Kurdistani Alliance, Vian Dakhil, said that Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi had expressed his readiness to support the Yazidi community and work to liberate captives and as well as compensate families of ISIS victims. Abadi also informed Dakhil that the government’s quota system prevented him from appointing her to the position of Minister of Women’s Affairs.

Dakhil said in a statement issued today and followed by “Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi expressed his deep regret for what happened to Yazidis by the terrorist organization ISIS and expressed full readiness to work to liberate the captives and kidnapped, with desire to provide support for the displaced people through official channels, “pointing out that” Abadi stressed that this falls within the responsibilities and duties of the government.”