Thursday, September 26, 2024


Egypt rules out participating in military operations againt ISIS

Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb
Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb

Cairo, Egypt ( On Monday, Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb stated for Reuters that Egypt has no plans to participate directly in the war against ISIS and provide the U.S. with direct military assistance even though U.S. aerial campaign may not be enough to defeat the group.

PM Ibrahim Mehleb noted that there is a possibility of taking a military action only if Egypt’s Gulf Arab allies are threatened. He said that Egypt’s priority is to ensure stability at home by facing militants groups based in the Sinai Peninsula and militants in neighboring Libya who pose a serious threat.

“For the Egyptian army the most important thing is its borders and the stability of its country and the protection of its country. Although, The security of the Gulf is the security of Egypt and Egypt’s security is the Gulf’s security” he said.