Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Abadi vows to go after the murderers of Iraqis in Albu Nimir

Iraqi Prime Minister - Haidar al-Abadi
Iraqi Prime Minister – Haidar Al-Abadi

Baghdad ( On Thursday, Iraqi Prime Minister, Haidar Al-Abadi said that the Army forces will carry an offensive operation against those who have killed the members of Albu-Nimir tribe.

In a statement obtained by IraqiNews, Abadi said that, “the crime of execution many of Iraqis in Albi Nimir’s will strongly be faced by our forces. The ISIS group is trying to cover over his defeats in many battles.”

Abadi vowed to put all efforts into tracking the militants and taking the right actions against them.

Noteworthy, the leader in Albu Nimir tribe, Na’eem Al-Ka’wood stated that the ISIS group had executed 238 people from the tribe including children over the past few days.


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