Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS executed 600 prison inmates in Mosul says Human Rights Watch

Representational file photo.
Representational file photo.

( Today Human Rights Watch reported that gunmen from the so-called the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria carried out the systematic execution of about 600 male inmates from a prison on the outskirts of the city of Mosul in northern Iraq on June 10 according to accounts of the survivors. The overwhelming majority of the dead were Shiites.

After seizing Badush prison near Mosul, the militants ISIS separated the Sunnis inmates from the Shiites, and then forced the latter to kneel at the edge of a valley and shot them from assault rifles and automatic weapons, according to what 15 Shiites prisoners, who survived the massacre, said to Human Rights Watch. The survivors added that the gunmen had also killed a number of Kurdish and Yazidi inmates.

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