Tuesday, September 24, 2024


15,000 foreigners from 80 countries fight for ISIS in Iraq and Syria says United Nations


(IraqiNews.com) On Friday United Nations revealed that about 15,000 foreigners from 80 countries are fighting within the ranks of the so-called the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as the prestige and influence of al-Qaeda wanes. The report also warned about the effectiveness ISIS’ online recruitment across all social media and web platforms that have been used by the organization ISIS.

The United Nations said in a report published by the British newspaper the Guardian and followed by IraqiNews.com that “about 15 thousand foreigners from 80 countries went to Syria and Iraq over the past years to fight in the ranks of organizations such as ISIS, attributing the high number to the decline of al Qaeda.”

The United Nations said in its report that “since 2010, the number of foreign jihadists in Syria and Iraq has been increased several times in comparison to the number of foreign fighters who have been counted between 1990 and 2010,” pointing out that “the foreign terrorists fighters came from France, Russia and Britain. In the total, they come from 80 countries.”