Monday, September 23, 2024


Canada foils ISIS attempt to flood Anbar


( Earlier today, Canada announced that, an attempt by the so-called Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to flood Anbar province, was foiled during an air strike targeting insurgents near the Euphrates Dam, west of Baghdad.

Canadian Defense Minister, Rob Nicholson said, “Canadian fighter aircrafts F-18 carried out the first strikes in Fallujah in western Baghdad on Sunday, launching laser-led bombs, each weighs 250 kilograms.”

Meanwhile, an official at the Canadian Military reported that, the first airstrikes carried out by the Canadian fighters against ISIS destroyed explosives and a truck used by the ISIS fighters to create a loophole in the Euphrates Dam and  flood the city.

Gen. Jonathan Vance stated, “These bombs targeted four goals,” pointing out that the elements of ISIS were using explosives to create a hole in the Euphrates Dam in order to “to cause flooding and force residents of Anbar to flee the city.”