Saturday, September 28, 2024


Names of military leaders dismissed by PM Abadi

( Local sources informed about the names of the leaders who have been exempt from their positions by order of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Haider al-Abadi.

  1. Euphrates Operations Commander, Staff Lt. Gen. Othman Ghanimi


  1. Anbar Operations Commander, Staff Lt. Gen. Rashid Flaih


  1. Commander of Baghdad Operations, Staff Lt. Gen. Abdul Amir al-Shammari


  1. Chief of Army Staff, Babacar Zebari, in addition to 4 of his aides


  1. 2 Military and Civil Inspectors in the Ministry of Defense


  1. Intelligence Director of the Ministry of Defense, Hatem Almksusi


  1. Secretary of the Department of Defense, Staff Lt. Gen. Ibrahim al-Lami


To be continued…


Prime Minister and Commander of Armed Forces, Haider al-Abadi ordered to retire 10 leaders from their positions and appoint 18 others in new positions at the Ministry of Defense, that’s in addition to exempting 26 others from their positions earlier on Wednesday.


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