Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS beheader ‘Jihadi John’ injured in US raid near Syrian border

ISIS terrorist and beheader known as ‘Jihadi John’ (right) with captive, Steven Sotloff (left).

( On Sunday, a British newspaper stated that the executioner of the so-called Islamic state in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)—who beheaded some western hostages, goes by  the name of ‘Jihadi John’ and is famous for his English accent—was wounded in a US air raid in an Iraqi town near the Syrian border.

The British newspaper ‘Daily Mail’ wrote, “The Jihadist with a London accent, who appeared masked and executing western hostages in videos aired by ISIS, was wounded in an American air raid targeted a meeting of the leaders of the organization in an Iraqi town near the Syrian border last week,” indicating that, “This aid is the same one in which the ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was allegedly wounded. But that was later disclaimed by the terrorist group.”

The newspaper quoted a nurse who cured some of the wounded by the American raid, “One of the wounded was called Jamlan.” She believed him to be the man who beheaded the journalists.

The newspaper added, “After the raid, the wounded were transported to the city of Raqqa, which is considered ISIS’s main stronghold in Syria.”

‘Jihadi John’ is a nickname that the masked executioner gained in honor of John Lennon, a member of the British Rock band, The Beatles, because of his British accent. He beheaded the two American journalists James Foley and Stephen Sotloff, in addition to the British humanitarian relief workers David Haines and Alan Henning. Despite being a foreigner, the Jihadi John has become one of the most famous extremist elements of the organization.

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