Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT Video: Peter Kassig beheaded by ISIS with 16 Syrians

 URGENT Video: Peter Kassig beheaded by ISIS with 16 Syrians

Screenshot taken from the ISIS video showing the beheaded American Peter Kassig and the beheading of 18 Syrian regular army soldiers.

Screenshot taken from the ISIS video showing the beheaded American Peter Kassig and the beheading of 18 Syrian regular army soldiers.
Screenshot taken from the ISIS video showing the beheaded American Peter Kassig and the beheading of 16 Syrian regular army soldiers.

( ISIS terrorists released the video below which shows the beheaded Peter Kassig, a US aid worker, along with the beheading of over 16 Syrian regular army soldiers.

The graphic video which was initially published by Al-Furqan media and shared on several via ISIS-affiliated social media accounts, shows the black-clad terrorist who appears to be the British national known as “Jihadi John” standing over a severed head.

In a speech addressed to US President Barack Obama, Jihadi John says “the head is that of Peter Edward Kassig, a US citizen of your country, who fought against the Muslims in Iraq while serving as a soldier in the American army.”

ISIS terrorist known as Jihadi John presenting the beheaded American captive, Peter Kassig.

Mr. Kassig served in Iraq in 2007, and in 2013 traveled to Syria as an aid worker. He was captured and taken hostage by terrorists in October that year. According to his friends, Mr. Kassig converted to Islam in captivity and changed his name to Abdul-Rahman.

ISIS issued a threat to behead the American at the end of another video showing the murder of the British aid worker Alan Henning more than a month ago, prompting Mr Kassig’s parents, Paula and Ed Kassig, to speak out on the 26-year-old’s behalf. They said they had been doing all they could to try and free their son, and read out extracts from a letter he relayed via a fellow hostage.

Unlike in previous videos showing the killings of the US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff and the British aid workers David Haines and Mr Henning, the new footage does not show Mr Kassig alive in front of the camera. Also unlike the previous releases, it includes no threat to the “next” hostage.

A separate part of the almost 16-minute video released today shows militants carrying out the mass beheading of around 16 men claimed to be “officers and pilots” of the Syrian army. Each victim has his own executioner – and the militant known as “Jihadi John” is shown performing one of the murders.

[wpvideo sGkbCuO2]

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