Sunday, September 22, 2024


France to deploy more fighter jets against ISIL militants

France to deploy more fighter jets against ISIL militants

Baghdad ( France will send six Mirage fighter jets to Jordan to strike the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant militant group in Iraq, Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Wednesday.

“There were nine Rafale (jets) in the United Arab Emirates and they will be reinforced with six Mirage fighter jets to support our action,” Le Drian told parliament.

Two French surveillance aircraft and a refuelling tanker are also based at the Emirati airbase of al Dhafra. The Defence ministry said the air squadron had been bombing ISIL positions, including around the city of Kirkuk area of Northern Iraq on Wednesday morning.

Military sources told AFP that the six additional Mirage 2000-D aircraft would arrive in Jordan in December./End/