Sunday, September 22, 2024


Dozens of foreign fighters joined Kurdish YPG to fight ISIS

A photo posted by James Hughes who joined PYG with Jamie Read showing Read (Right) alongside Jordan Matson (Left) who travelled to Syria last October. Image credit: James Hughes's Facebook
A photo shows Jamie Read (Left) who joined PYG with his fellow British friend James Hughes, pictured alongside Jordan Matson (Right), an American who traveled to Syria last October. Image: James Hughes’s Facebook

( On Sunday, the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria revealed that, dozens of foreign fighters have joined the People’s Protection Units (YPG) to fight ISIS militants in the Syrian town of Kobani.

PYD delegate in Iraq’s Kurdistan, Gharib Hassu stated for IraqiNews, “Dozens of foreign volunteers recently joined the YPG fighters and fought in different areas where clashes are taking place in northern Syria. Most of the foreign volunteers who have joined the YPG are from Europe and the number of foreign fighters is expectantly growing.”