Friday, September 20, 2024


Sunni tribes in Anbar threaten to desert in fight against ISIS

قوات العشائر تلاحق عناصر داعش في محافظة الانبار

( On Tuesday the leader of Albu-Alwan tribe threatened that his tribesmen will withdraw from al-Anbar and desert in fight against ISIS after a court issued a death sentence against a key Sunni leader.

The effort to build a coalition with Sunni tribes to fight ISIS is on the edge as Albu Alwan and other Sunni tribes warned that their fighters would withdraw from the battle after a court issued a death sentence against a fellow Sunni key leader from Albu-Alwan tribe, named Ahmed al-Alwani.

Noteworhty, Ahmed al-Alwani is a politician who was against Nouri al-Maliki and also a key leader within Albu-Alwan tribe, which is one of the powerful Sunni tribes in al-Anbar that opted in the fight against ISIS.