Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Surroundings of Ramadi, Heet and western al-Badia liberated, says Interior Ministry

Ministry spokesman Brigadier General Saad Maan
Ministry spokesman Brigadier General Saad Maan

( On Thursday, the Interior Ministry announced that the surrounding areas of Ramadi ,Heet and western al-Badia in Anbar province were liberated by security forces.

Ministry spokesman Brigadier Gen. Saad Maan said in a press conference attended by,“There is a major effort from the security forces working on clearing Anbar province,” adding that, “The commander of the armed forces paid great attention and maintained the province by providing tribesmen with weapons.”

Maan added, “The areas surrounding Ramadi and Heet as well as western al-Badia in the province have been cleansed,” and “security forces are to live in the euphoria of victory today.”