Friday, September 20, 2024


U.S. – its allies strike 15 ISIL targets in Iraq – Syria in 3 days

U.S. - its allies strike 15 ISIL targets in Iraq - Syria in 3 days

Baghdad ( The U.S. military and its allies hit Islamic State forces with 15 air strikes in Iraq and Syria during a three-day period, the U.S. Central Command revealed.

Thirteen attacks were carried out in Iraq since Wednesday and two more targeted Islamic State in Syria.

The air strikes in Syria hit an Islamic State fighting position and staging area near Kobani and a tactical unit near Aleppo, Central Command said.

In Iraq, bunkers, vehicles, a bulldozer and a fighting position were destroyed near Kirkuk and a large unit and four tactical units also were hit in five air strikes

Near Mosul, two raids destroyed vehicles and a heavy weapon while another tactical unit was hit near Ramadi.

Islamic State vehicles, tactical units, a fighting position and a building were hit in strikes near the Iraqi cities of Ar Rutbah, Falluja, Al Qaim and Baiji, Central Command said./End/