Monday, September 23, 2024


50.000 forged names in 4 military squads, claims al-Abadi

Iraqi Prime Minister - Haidar al-Abadi
Iraqi Prime Minister – Haidar al-Abadi

( Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced that the leadership of operations of liberating Nineveh province was formed, and revealed that 50.000 forged names exist in 4 military squads.

This came during his attendance in the House of Representatives session on Sunday, where he gave a detailed explanation on the ongoing discussions about the preparation for 2015 budget, in addition to the victories and advances made by the security forces in different regions, as well as the developments of the relationship with the Kurdistan region, according to a statement issued by his press office.

In the field of military reform, Abadi revealed that  50.000 forged name exist in four military squads, denying the existence of any foreign power on the ground, except for the purposes of military training and advice.