Friday, September 20, 2024


URGENT: Woman arrested in Lebanon is not ISIS leader’s wife, confirms Iraqi Interior Minister


( On Wednesday, the Iraqi Interior Minister revealed the identity of the woman arrested by the Lebanese authorities, saying it is not the wife of the leader of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The ministry said in a statement followed by, “The woman who was arrested by the Lebanese authorities is Saja Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, the sister of Omar Abdel-Hamid al-Dulaimi, who is detained by the Iraqi authorities and sentenced to death for his involvement in the Basra and Batha bombing in Nasiriyah,” adding that, “The wives of the terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi are Asmaa Mohammed Fawzi al-Dulaimi and Esraa Recep Mahal Qaisi, and there is no wife of his under the name of Saja al-Dulaimi.”

In December 2, 2014, the Lebanese security officials announced the arrest of the ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife and son on the border with Syria.


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