Thursday, October 3, 2024


Australia accuses ISIS of using Westerns as cannon fodder

Abu Yahya ash-Shami, an Australian national who has joined the ISIS group.
Abu Yahya ash-Shami, an Australian national who has joined the ISIS group.

( Australia’s Attorney-General George Brandis said, ISIS is using Westerns as cannon fodder in the battles occurring in Iraq and Syria, pointing out that the number of Australians killed has increased in recent weeks.

Australian officials previously announced that at least 70 of its citizens are fighting with ISIS, and according to Brandis, the number of Australians killed while fighting for the group has increased from 15 to 20 only within a few weeks.

“They are simply using them as frontline cannon fodder, suicide bombers and propaganda tools.”  Brandis told ‘The Australian’ newspaper on Tuesday, “Australian youths, and many young men and women from Western countries, are being lured by the falsehood of a noble battle against an oppressive enemy,” he added.