Saturday, September 28, 2024


Sumaria Poll: 74% of respondents expect Iraqi income to be influenced by global oil prices decline


( More than 74% out of 1472 of those participated in the weekly poll conducted by ‘Al Sumaria’ website expected that the income of Iraqi citizens will be affected by the decline of global oil prices.

The referendum question, “Do you expect that the decline in world oil prices will affect the Iraqi citizen income?” and the answers were “Yes” or “No”.

375 participants answered ‘No,’ forming a rate of 25.5% of the participants, while 1097 participants answered ‘Yes’, forming the proportion of 74.5%.

‘Al Sumaria’ periodically holds a referendum on a weekly basis addressing the issues highlighted in the Iraqi arena; the results do not represent the public opinion, but reflect the views of the participants.

In December 8, 2014, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi confirmed that Iraq is facing a cash crisis due to the decline in world oil prices, indicating that actions had been taken to confront the real issue, starting with reducing the salaries of the Council of Ministers.