Saturday, September 21, 2024


Washington: Jordan loses $1.5 million a day because of Iraqi situation


( On Wednesday, the US Ambassador in Amman, Jordan, Ellis Wales stated that the Kingdom loses $1.5 million a day because of the situation in Iraq.

The Jordanian newspaper ‘Ghad’ quoted Wales as saying, “The situation in Iraq, has negatively affected the movement Jordanian trucks and inflicted our local industry a daily loss of $1.5 million,” indicating that, “Jordanian trucks movement to Iraq decreased from 400 trucks to only 50 trucks a day.”

Wales confirmed that, “Jordanian truck drivers suffer at Iraqi checkpoints and paying taxes because of the deteriorating political situation in Iraq,” and added, “The situation in Syria also affected the movement of goods from Jordan to Lebanon, Turkey and the European countries.”

Noteworthy, Trebil outlet, that links Iraq to Jordan, was closed for several times because of the military operations taking place in Anbar province and its neighboring areas, which negatively impacted on commercial traffic.