Tuesday, September 24, 2024


UN condemns Iran for human rights violations


(IraqiNews.com) United Nations General Assembly condemned Iran for its ‘continuing human rights violations,’ and demanded to stop the repression against journalists , the detention of political activists, and to put an end to sexual discrimination and persecution of minorities.

According to the United Nations official website, this decision received 83 votes in favor, 35 votes in opposition, while 68 abstained.

This decision is the second in two months, where the United Nations General Assembly has criticized Iran for continuing human rights violations in another decision last November, 78 voted in favor, compared to 35 countries against the resolution, while 69 countries abstained from voting.

The General Assembly expressed concern over what it described as ‘the ongoing violations of human rights in Iran’, especially with regard to the further implementation of death penalty in the absence of internationally recognized safeguards.

The decision confirmed that the practices of the Iranian authorities have reached the degree of persecution against some minorities, including  Ahwazi Arabs, Baluchis and Kurds.