Monday, September 23, 2024


$15 billion the cost of U.S. arms deals to Iraq

Elements of the Iraqi army
Elements of the Iraqi army

( U.S. government agreed to increase the values of deals of sold weapons to Baghdad to $15 billion. This decision has surpassed the fears expressed by the Congress of Deputies about weapons falling into the hands of extremists, or Baghdad’s inability to afford the deals with the numerous problems the Iraqi budget is experiencing.

Despite the reservations of Congress and the big concerns about the occurrence of the Iraqi army weapons at the hands of the extremist organizations, U.S. approvals tripled the arms sales to Iraq  this year, with another deal worth three billion dollars, which included the sale of tanks and armored vehicles to Baghdad.

The newspaper ‘Wall Street Journal’ reported that the Senate requested a monthly report from Pentagon on the status of the Iraqi army and its ability to retain weapons. The U.S. Department of Defense plays a vital role in transactions to protect the transmit of sensitive technologies.


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