Saturday, September 21, 2024


US- led coalition conducts more airstrikes on ISIL shelters in Iraq

US- led coalition conducts more airstrikes on ISIL shelters in Iraq

Follow -Up ( A statement by the US Embassy received by cited “On the evening of December 22nd, airstrikes conducted by Coalition partners destroyed a large ISIL weapons factory complex in Fallujah. Multiple aircraft bombed the compound, leveling two buildings and severely damaging a third. This factory was manufacturing improvised explosive devices (IED) used by ISIL against Iraqi military and civilian targets. This is the fifth such factory ISF and Coalition forces have destroyed.”

The statement added “The destruction of the weapons factory in Fallujah eliminates yet another supply source for ISIL, and reinforces the Coalition’s support of operations led by Iraqi forces.”

“Other ISF operations such as this, conducted with airstrike support from the Coalition, have led to the discovery and disarmament of several hundred IEDs and vehicle-borne IEDs,” according to the statement. /End/