Saturday, September 28, 2024


Anbar to be liberated in few weeks, no need for ground troops, Sen. John McCain says


( On Sunday, Chairman of the Committee of Defense in the U.S. Senate, Sen. John McCain predicted that the Anbar province is to be liberated from the control of ISIS in a few weeks, as he emphasized that there is no need for ground troops.

McCain said in a statement reported by the official newspaper ‘Sabah’ and followed by, “Sunni tribes, which now have about 4000 elements to fight ISIS, will be armed by joining the National Guard under the authority of the central government.”

McCain said it is not possible to bring foreign ground troops to Iraq,adding that the United States’ mission is limited to the training and supply of military equipment.

He added ,”Trainings can last for months in the event of the existence of safe camps and coaches,” expressing his conviction that such programs will result in the liberation of Anbar, which can take a few weeks.