Sunday, September 22, 2024


Diwaniya Governor: Abadi promised to adopt decentralization

Diwaniya Governor: Abadi promised to adopt decentralization

Diwaniya ( Diwaniya Governor Ammar al-Madani pointed out that “The Iraqi prime Minister Haider al-Abadi promised to instruct all ministries to adopt the principle of decentralization in dealing with provinces and solve the problems that face investment law.”

Speaking to, Madani said “During the meeting of the Coordinative Committee for Provinces which was held on Monday in Basra province, PM Abadi and Governors agreed to apply Law No. 21 of 2008 which states to transfer central administrative authorities to local governments and eliminate the impediments that face investment file.”

“This agreement came due to the unified point of view of both PM Abadi and local governments over necessity to activate the Law No. 21 and support decentralization based on the difficult circumstances that negatively affected the development, services and economic sectors in Iraq,” Governor Madani concluded. /End/