Friday, September 20, 2024


ISIS interviews Jordanian pilot, publishes photos of him in orange suit

The Jordanian pilot, Maaz Kasasbeh
The Jordanian pilot, Maaz Kasasbeh

( On Tuesday, websites quoted ‘Dabiq’, a magazine issued by ISIS, what it claimed to be the statements of the detained Jordanian pilot, Maaz Kasasbeh. It also published photos of Kasasbeh wearing an orange suit.

According to the magazine, a thermal missile hit the fighter jet Kasasbeh was flying before it fell in the Euphrates River, in city of Raqqa (southeast of the Syrian).

Dabiq quoted Kasasbeh as saying that his mission was to destroy the anti-aircrafts and to cover for other fighter jets.

Syrian opposition sources said earlier that a technical failure infected Maaz’s fighter jet after it was shot and targeted by missiles.


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