Monday, September 23, 2024


Iranian police: terrorists tried to sneak into Iraq to join ISIS arrested


( On Monday, Commander of the Border Guards of The Iranian Police, Brigadier General Qasem Rezaei announced that, three people were arrested for possessing explosive materials, and trying to sneak at night to join the ISIS organization in Iraq.

News agency  ‘Faris’ quoted Rezaei as saying, “During the period of the emergence of this terrorist organization, there was one case of infiltration carried out by three people with explosive materials; they were arrested by the border guards in the north-western border of the country with Iraq.”

Rezaei added, “The border guards are on alert to safeguard the country’s borders and monitor all hostile movements and suspicious activities across both sides of the border.”

Rezaei pointed out that, “The Iranian border guards have the technological, visual and electronic possibilities to monitor cross-border movements,” noting that, “Iranian borders with its neighbors are wide and big and the occurrence of these incidents is normal.”