Sunday, September 22, 2024


Peshmerga forces thwart ISIS plan to control the Kirkuk-Baghdad road

Kurdish Peshmerga armored forces. File photo.
Kurdish Peshmerga armored forces. File photo.

( On Saturday, an official within the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in southern Kirkuk, Major General Rasoul Qadir announced that a scheme of the ISIS organization to control the international road of Baghdad-Kirkuk was foiled, as he emphasized that of ten elements of the terrorist group were killed.

Qadir said in an interview for, “Today ,ISIS elements launched an attack on the Peshmerga from Al Wehda village (35 km south of Kirkuk), the Shamsiya villages and the area of Bashir (30 km south of Kirkuk), and Mary Beck village (30 km south of Kirkuk).”

He added, the Peshmerga responded to the attack with heavy and medium weapons resulted in more than a dozen deaths in the ranks of the organization,” pointing out that, “ISIS was planning to control the international road of Baghdad-Kirkuk and their sites were bombed with various weapons.”