Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi-Lebanese mutual committee resumes meetings after 16 year stoppage

Iraqi-Lebanese mutual committee resumes meetings after 16 year stoppage

Baghdad ( The Iraqi -Lebanese Mutual Committee resumed meetings after a 16 year stoppage to discuss the means of activating investments in both countries.

The General Union of Chambers of Trade, Industry and Agriculture in Arab Countries hosted the meeting at its headquarters in the Lebanese Capital, Beirut.

The Iraqi Ambassador to Lebanon, Raad al-Alousi, said during the meeting “The relations between Iraq and Lebanon are deep- rooted and we should appreciate this meeting which came after the last meeting of the committee in 1999.”

Alousi mentioned “We have a golden and historical chance today to develop the Iraqi- Lebanese relations on economic, trade and investment levels,” calling to “Study all means of eliminating impediments that hinder returning the relations between two countries to the previous good level.”

He stressed “We are stretching our hands for our Lebanese brothers to invest in Iraq.”

For his part, the Chief of the Arab Chambers Union Minister Adnan al-Qassar said in his speech at the meeting “I am happy to resume the meetings of the Iraqi- Lebanese Committee in Beirut and I am confident these meetings will achieve success and good results for both countries.” /End/