Friday, September 20, 2024


Washington issues a clarification on dropping weapons to ISIS in Iraq

Washington issues a clarification on dropping weapons to ISIS in Iraq

Baghdad ( The US embassy in Baghdad denied information which indicated that its aircraft dropped military aid to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “ISIS” organization

in al-Khethera area area near Balad district , northwest of Baghdad, describing it as not minute.

The embassy said a statement reported for “Shafaq News”, that “There was no dropping of any materials by the United States in or around the airspace of Balad district and these media reports are false.”

The Embassy of the United States of America renewed its support and standing with the Government of Iraq and the Iraqi people against violent extremists, and support continued progress toward building a unified Iraq.

News and video clips indicated that US aircraft dropped two boxes on the area surrounded by security and special forces of ISIS in Balad.

The elements of the popular crowd in that area said that the boxes contain weapons and were dropped to ISIS.