Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdistan asks its Workers Party to stop trying to establish self-management in Sinjar


( On Saturday, the Kurdistan Regional Government considered the Kurdistan Workers Party attempt to establish a council of self-management in Sinjar area opposed to the law and the constitution and a step that might cause political and administrative issues, asking the party to stop all this “illegal” attempts immediately.

Kurdistan Regional Government said in a press statement received by, “After the terrorist attack of ISIS in August 03, 2014, Sinjar area lives in difficult situations,” adding that, “Kurdistan Regional Government has done everything in its power to respond to the needs of the people of the area and to liberate the abducted Yazidis.”

The statement added, “The announcement by the PKK for the establishment of the Council of self-management in the Sinjar area is an act opposed to the law and the constitution in the Kurdistan Region and Iraq and these interventions in the Kurdish and Iraqi affairs are unacceptable,” and urged the PKK to “stay away from Iraq’s Kurdistan affairs and to stop immediately all illegal attempts. “