Sunday, September 29, 2024


One bomb explodes, 2 defused at bus station and below Ataturk statue in Istanbul


( On Monday, according to Turkish and international media, a hand-grenade went off in a crowded street in Istanbul, leaving no damage or casualties, while the police managed to defuse two other bombs at a bus station and below the statue of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

Media reports said that the bomb exploded in the center of Istanbul Sunday evening (January 18th, 2015), while the police defused two others two weeks after the suicide bombing that killed a policeman.

The Turkish newspaper Sabah said that no one was hurt when a homemade bomb planted near an electricity sub-station in Fatih district went off.

The newspaper added that the Bomb Disposal unit successfully and safely detonated a similar explosive device in Maltiba neighborhood. It was planted under the statue of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the Turkish Secular Republic.

The newspaper stated on its website that the police defused a bomb inside a box left at a bus station in Sultan Ghazi neighborhood.