Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Diyala Police Chief: Province is ISIS-free after liberation of last stronghold northeast of Baquba


(IraqiNews.com) On Sunday, Diyala province police chief Lt. Gen. Jamil al-Shammari announced that the province is now free from the ISIS organization elements, after the liberation of its last strongholds north-east of Baquba.

Al-Shammari said in an interview for IraqiNews.com, “Diyala province has become free from the ISIS organization after its last strongholds in the villages of the northern the district of Muqdadiya (35 km northeast of Baquba was liberated.”

Shammari added, “All areas in Diyala are under the security forces’ control now, thanks to the great sacrifices made by the security forces, al-Hashed al-Sha’bi forces and the tribesmen.”

On Sunday, the Secretary-General of al-Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri said that Diyala province has become safe, while the religious authority, Mr. Sistani recommended saving the people’s money, and praised the efforts made by The Army and associate members in liberating Diyala.