Friday, September 20, 2024


Chairman of Nineveh provincial council, one of his aides injured in traffic accident east of Mosul

( On Wednesday, Vice Chairman of Nineveh Provincial Council, Noureddine Kablan announced that the provincial council chairman Bashar al-Kika and one of his aides were injured in a traffic accident east of Mosul.

Kablan said an in an interview for, “Chairman of Nineveh Provincial Council Bashar al-Kika wand one of his aides in a traffic accident on the road linking between Ba’shiqah district and Sheikhan area (60 km east of Mosul),” explaining that, “Al-Kika was on an inspection tour in that area.”

Kaplan added, “The accident was caused when the vehicle carrying al-Kika crashed on the road,” asserting that, “The injured were taken to a hospital in Dohuk for treatment and their condition is now stable.”

It is noteworthy that the road linking between Kurdistan and Nineveh province is often experiencing crashes due to harsh weather conditions and excess speed.