Saturday, September 21, 2024


Urgent: ISIS withdraws to east of Tikrit after bombing dozens of presidential palaces


( On Thursday, a source in Salahuddin province announced that the ISIS organization blew up dozens of presidential palaces in Tikrit, and withdrew to the east of the city.

The source said in an interview for, “ISIS elements blew up this morning a number of presidential palaces after they stole its contents in the presidential palaces compound (in central Tikrit),” noting that, “The ISIS elements evacuated the compound and withdrew to al-Alam district east of Tikrit.”

The source, who asked to remain anonymous, added, “The exploded palaces include: al-Faruq, al-Nawaris, The Wooden Palace, Abbasi, al-Modif, al-Said, al-Sharfa, Slat al-Oyoun, Al Bajaa, and Shalal.”

Noteworthy, the presidential palaces compound in central Tikrit has hundreds of presidential palaces and a large number of government and security departments, as well as homes of officials and judges. It is now taken by the ISIS organization as its headquarters after their entry in Salahuddin.