Saturday, September 21, 2024


91 ISIS elements, including al-Jazeera governor, dead in Samarra, says Interior

The ministry spokesman, Brigadier General Saad Maan
The ministry spokesman, Brigadier General Saad Maan

( On Tuesday, Interior Ministry announced that 91 ISIS elements, including Wali al-Jazeera have been killed in an attack by the federal police forces in Samarra.

The ministry spokesman, Brigadier Gen. Saad Maan said in an interview for, “Federal police forces backed by the Army Aviation launched a major offensive on ISIS gangs while trying to draw closer to al-Taawen area and Tatban and Nakhwa streets in Samarra districts (40 km south of Tikrit).”

Maan added, “The attack resulted in killing 91 ISIS elements, including the governor of al-Jazeera, in addition to burning seven vehichles,” noting that, “The bodies were taken to al-Dour Hospital.”

A security source said Tuesday (February 3, 2015) that a large military force of the Army entered Samarra to back security elements.


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