Monday, September 23, 2024


Urgent: ISIS threatens to take the fight to Amman, vows revenge against coalition pilots

Moaz al-Kasasbeh who was detained by ISIS was burned alive.
Moaz al-Kasasbeh who was detained by ISIS was burned alive.

( On Wednesday, the ISIS organization vowed to launch “terrorist” attacks in the center of the Jordanian capital Amman, and to take the fight to it if any harm is inflicted on its elements in the Jordanian prisons.

ISIS also vowed revenge against all pilots involved in the international campaign against it.

The terrorist group said in a statement reported by several websites, yet to be verified by, “King of Jordan declared war on the Islamic State and took side with the enemies of Islam of Crusaders and Shiites, supplying them with arms and sharing their hatred against our practices.”

“King of Jordan must know that if any of our elements in his prisons are harmed, the Islamic State will take the fight to the heart of Amman,” it added.

ISIS said, “Our men will not be silenced until Allah’s punishment has fallen upon all pilots who poured out their hatred on the Islamic State.”

On Tuesday evening, the Jordanian Army announced, in a statement broadcast on national television, that Lieutenant Moaz al-Kasasbeh who was detained by ISIS was burned alive.


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