Friday, September 20, 2024


Parliamentary Commission on Security and Defense reveals documents on coalition aircrafts aiding ISIS


( The Parliamentary Commission on Security and Defense revealed Tuesday, that there are many documents and photographs confirming that the international coalition aircrafts delivered aids, weapons and supplies to ISIS using parachutes, while the government demanded to provide a clear report on such violations, monitor the aircrafts movement and set up ambushes to bring them down.

Committee Chairman MP Hakim Zamili said in a press conference at the House of Representatives, attended by, “Our armed forces, volunteer fighters, Peshmerga and tribesmen have achieved victories against the ISIS organization in all operations,” noting that, “Meanwhile, we keep finding documents, pictures, and information confirming that the coalition aircrafts violate the Iraqi sovereignty and the international norms in order to prolong the war with ISIS by providing it with aid by air or on land.”

“We have been receiving this information continuously from many sources, documented in photos and reports to prove that the planes did land at some airports in Mosul, Tal Afar, Al Kiara, and Araf Lahib areas in Kara Tepeh in Diyala and Yathrib, in addition to Dhuluiya village, Fallujah Stadium in Anbar desert,” Zamali stated.

“The monitoring reports and available photos show ammunition, weapons and supplies being delivered by parachutes,” he added.

Zamili warned of the seriousness of this matter on Iraq’s security, that will prolong the war against ISIS. He demanded the government to provide a clear report for the House of Representatives and the Air Defense Forces to monitor the movement of aircrafts and to set up ambushes to bring them down and locate their sources.