Saturday, September 21, 2024


Terrorism uses Islam to justify its violence, says Obama

The American President Barack Obama
The American President Barack Obama


( US president Barack Obama acknowledged Thursday that terrorism uses the religion of Islam to justify its violence, and that suppressing the opponents will feed extremism, pointed out that the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites will end when addressing their grievances.

Obama said at the White House Summit to Counter Violent Extremism, followed by IraqiNews, that Muslims are the victims of terrorism and the world has to deal with the ideologies adopted by terrorism as it uses Islam to justify its violence.

Obama stressed the need for people to express their opinions because suppressing the opponents will feed extremism and terrorism, pointing out that to ensure stability, pluralism and respect for human rights and concern for religious freedom have to be guaranteed.

Obama added that the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites will end when addressing their grievances, stressing out the importance of “strengthening the role of women and addressing the economic crisis to cut the way to extremism.”