Monday, September 23, 2024


We will resort to “another solution” if Baghdad does not abide by oil agreement, says Barzani


( President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani announced on Monday, that the government will resort to “another solution” if the central government does not implement the 2015 general budget law and abide by the oil agreement.

Barzani said in a statement during a meeting with a number of officials, received, “The Kurdistan Regional Government is completely committed to its agreement with the central government, and is willing to address the issues with Baghdad,” adding that, “If Baghdad fails to implement the oil agreement and the budget law, Kurdistan will have to resort for another solution.”

Barzani stated, “Problem-solving and implementation of the 2015 budget law are Kurdistan’s priorities,” stressing that, “Kurdistan’s oil policy was established according to the Iraqi constitution.”