Sunday, September 22, 2024


1103 Iraqis killed, 2280 injured in February, says UN

 1103 Iraqis killed, 2280 injured in February, says UN


( United Nations Association Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) announced Sunday, that a total of 1103 Iraqis were killed and 2280 were wounded during the month of February, while special representative of the UN secretary-general Nikolay Mladenov said that ISIS targeted all Iraqis willfully.

The mission said in a statement obtained by, “A total of 1,103 Iraqis were killed while 2,280 others were injured by acts of violence and terrorism that occurred in February,” indicating that, “The civilian death toll reached 611 people, including 30 elements of the civilian police forces, while the number of civilian casualties amounted to 1,353 people, including 29 affiliates of the civilian police forces.”

“492 elements the Iraqi Army, the Kurdish Peshmerga and the volunteer fighters (al-Hashd al-Sha’bi) were killed, while 927 were injured, not including victims of the military operations in Anbar,” it added.